The Best Mosquito Control for Yard Functions is All-Natural, Effective and Will Protect You and Your Guests

With warm weather just around the corner, we can begin to look forward to spending time outdoors, and perhaps even entertaining friends and family in our backyards. Baby showers, birthday parties, wedding receptions, or just a weekend summer barbeque are where we make some of our fondest memories with the people we care about. But the warm weather also brings with it an uninvited guest: mosquitoes. Not to worry, though! We’re here to help with the best mosquito control for your yard party!

If you’re planning a party or an event in the coming months, contact us now to discuss which package would best suit your needs. Whether you’re looking for mosquito control for just a one-day affair, or if you’re interested in protection from pests all year long, we’ve got you covered.

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What are You Protecting Against?

Mosquitoes are a casual nuisance that we get used to every summer. The buzzing may drive us a bit mad and the bites are itchy, but they’re just mosquitoes, right? Mosquitoes are so common, especially during the warm wet summers of Eastern Mass, that it’s easy to forget that they can be the source of serious diseases. EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) and West Nile Virus are common viruses that mosquitoes in Massachusetts can carry.

Kinder Spray offers the best mosquito control for yard parties and other functions without resorting to using potentially harmful chemicals. Our super-effective, all-natural mosquito control will help bring you a greater sense of ease knowing that your family and friends are safe on your property, so you can enjoy your party to the fullest!

What is the Kinder Spray way?

What Does the Best Mosquito Control for Yard Parties Look Like?

Kinder Spray starts out any treatment process with a thorough investigation of the area being treated. Any treatment is only as good as its targeting. 

While many different species of mosquitoes exist, they all share some common traits that make them possible to eliminate, namely how and where they breed.

Mosquitoes like to lay their eggs in standing water above all else. Tiny spaces of standing water are all that is needed and these breeding grounds can be hidden. From tree holes to buckets, children’s toys to potted plant trays and even bottle caps, if it can hold water, mosquitoes can lay eggs in it.

A single treatment with well-targeted natural ingredients can have mosquitoes eliminated within hours. This solution gives you the peace of mind to create the best memories for your events. To keep your yard in the best memory-making condition throughout the seasons, look into our seasonal services with multiple treatments to maintain the safety of your loved ones.

If you’re planning a party in the coming months, contact us to discuss how we can help make your yard mosquito-free.

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United States Environmental Protection Agency

Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash

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