Eco friendly pest control is important for what it protects as much as for what it kills

The most important thing about any pest control solution is that it kills bugs. This is what most pest control companies want you to believe. The problem is, it is not the truth. The most important thing is why you want those bugs gone. You want to get rid of them to enjoy your yard. Kinder Spray’s eco friendly pest control protects your yard and family while killing bugs.

With many other companies, you’ll be damaging your yard while you’re trying to protect it. 

Pollinators like bees and butterflies are important to the health of your yard and the environment. Using dangerous chemicals in your yard spray can harm these pollinators in multiple ways. Putting these pollinators at risk puts your plants at risk.

The right eco friendly pest control saves the lives of the pollinators in your yard and provides that extra support for your plants.

Let’s take a closer look at how chemical control can harm pollinators and how eco friendly control protects them.

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The unintended side effects of chemical pest control

Even though you may not intend to harm pollinators with chemical pest control use, you probably will anyway. Some companies keep their chemicals away from gardens and claim that it is safe for pollinators because they will mainly be attracted to the flowers. 

This seems to make sense, but pollinators travel all around your yard. Here are a few ways chemicals could impact pollinators even when you have the intention of avoiding them:

  • Nesting Materials: Both butterflies and bees travel to gather materials for their nests or to lay eggs. No matter how far you spray chemicals from your flowers, these pollinators could gather nesting materials there. With bees, this could contaminate an entire colony.
  • Residue: We’ve already mentioned that pollinators travel away from flowers. Although they are most attracted to flowers, they only need slight residue contact to be injured, damaged, or killed. That could mean even landing on a leaf that has chemicals on it. 
  • Direct contact: Of course, even when you’re careful, there is a risk of directly contacting a pollinator with these chemicals. In that case, the best you could hope for is that it is immediately lethal. Otherwise, the pollinator could bring those chemicals back to flowers and nest to kill more pollinators. 

No matter how careful you are, it is nearly impossible to completely avoid harming pollinators when using these chemical sprays. Natural eco friendly pest control, on the other hand, kills pests without pollinators even taking notice. 

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How eco friendly pest control works

The main ingredient active in Kinder Spray’s eco friendly pest control is cedar oil. Cedar oil causes a big problem for insects like ticks and mosquitoes. It dehydrates their exoskeleton but has no effect on pollinators.

By protecting your yard with eco friendly measures, you can eliminate your pest problems without killing the important contributors to your yard.


The Risks of Pesticides to Pollinators

Image by MrGajowy3 from Pixabay

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