Do you have an infestation requiring eco-friendly pest control? If so, Kinder Spray can provide you with a natural alternative to synthetic chemicals

Our eco-friendly pest control services are the best in Massachusetts, because we effectively eradicate pest problems with all-natural products.

Most companies cannot make the same claims, nor can they offer pest removal through natural methods.

It is important to consider our chemical footprint in order to protect the environment for future generations, and using eco-friendly pest control services is one way to do so.

Do you need an all-natural exterminator? Contact us for a free consultation: 508.213.8833

Eco-friendly pest control for the environmentally conscious

Pest control has not historically been thought of as an environmentally-friendly process. However, our all-natural pest control services are not only effective in removing unwelcome insects, they also do not harm the environment in any way.

Our work is environmentally-friendly because we use products derived from natural sources. For instance, one product we use for indoor and outdoor pest control is Essentria IC3, which has a classification of EPA FIFRA 25(b) exempt. This means it is effective while still being safe for people and pets. It is also non-toxic for water environments, which allows us to use it in and around standing water outdoors.

Our environmentally-friendly pest control does not contaminate water like other inorganic pesticides

Areas of standing water are commonplace for water-dwelling insects like spiders and mosquitos. In fact, mosquitoes build nests and increase populations around wet or damp areas.

To treat watery areas, we use all-natural Bti briquettes. These briquettes slowly disintegrate to release more of our powerful pest-eliminating ingredients in the process. We place these briquettes strategically throughout your property, including unused swimming pools, rain barrels, water troughs or streams.

One problem with conventional synthetic and inorganic pesticides is that they are used in a large quantities, and have been found present in tests of both land and water environments. Some of these pesticides are newer compounds that have not been property evaluated for safety. According to Cornell University, “When pesticides are found in water supplies, they normally are not present in high enough concentrations to cause acute health effects such as chemical burns, nausea, or convulsions. Instead, they typically occur in trace levels, and the concern is primarily for their potential for causing chronic health problems.”

At Kinder Spray, we work to avoid these chronic illnesses when using our all-natural pesticide services.

Environmentally-friendly pest control services help the bees

Bees are an integral part of ecosystems as they help pollinate fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs.

Colony collapse disorder (CCD) has been a popular topic of discussion recently, as scientists are seeing the populations of bees decreasing at alarming rates.

Many scientists and researchers have hypothesized that synthetic pesticides and herbicides play a major part in this devastating process of CCD. According to Forbes, “Pesticides, notably DDT, have been found to directly cause ecological damage in the past. But not all problems have a single cause. It is possible that neonicotinoids are one factor among many that are implicated in CCD.”

Furthermore, the article also makes a conjecture on the impact of losing the bees. “…if all the pollen-spreading insects did die out, it might lead to mass starvation on an unprecedented and unacceptable scale.”

Our all-natural pest control services are safe to bees and a variety of other helpful pollinators. You can rest assured that our natural insect control will eliminate pests, while keeping the rest of the environment safe.

Do you need an all-natural exterminator? Contact us for a free consultation: 508.213.8833


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