If you suspect a possible pest infestation, you should read this article to discover your next steps.

A pest infestation can be a nightmare. While some critters may be simply annoying rather than dangerous, no one wants to deal with the nuisance of an infestation. If you suspect a possible pest infestation, you should act now! Protect your home and loved ones with non-toxic pest control that guarantees peace of mind.

The experts at Kinder Spray offer the best approach to getting rid of pests – naturally! Get in touch with us today for your free consultation. You can call (781) 724-2448, drop us an email at hello@kinderspray.com, or request a free estimate online.


What are some possible signs of an infestation?

An active approach will ensure you don’t lose sleep over invading critters. Routine monitoring and a quick response can go a long way in preventing and controlling pests!

You probably already keep one eye open for scurrying mice or pesky ants. You should know what to look for if you suspect a pest infestation. Here are some signs that you might have unwanted visitors.

  • Damage: Pests can cause significant damage to your home or yard. Look for chewed holes, gnawed wires, or other signs of unwanted activity. 
  • Droppings: Droppings are a definite sign that a creature is visiting your home.
  • Odor: Some pests, such as mice, can leave behind a strong, musty smell. If you notice a strange odor in your home, it could signify an infestation.
  • Nests: Finding a nest in your home or yard could signify an infestation. Nests can be made of mud, twigs, or paper and are often found in hidden or hard-to-reach areas.

If you suspect a possible pest infestation, you should…

No one is immune to infestation, no matter how tidy your space might be. While some pests can be spotted early, others cannot.  If you suspect a possible pest infestation, you should keep a level head and make a plan of action.

You can take preliminary steps to prevent further infestation by sealing any obvious entry points. You should look all over your property, but the most common places are the loft, basement, bathroom, and kitchen. Make sure you check every kitchen cabinet, closet, and corner!

If you suspect a possible pest infestation, you should determine if you want to deal with it on your own. To start, you’ll need to determine what kind of pest is causing issues. This will help you choose the most effective method of control. If you cannot get rid of your unwanted visitors or simply want the peace of mind that comes from a professional job well done, you’ll want to contact a reputable pest control company.

If this is unsuccessful and the critters still hang around, consider reaching out to the specialists at Kinder Spray. We will inspect your property and find any hiding places you’ve missed. Plus, we exclusively offer environmentally-friendly options that help make the world greener.

If you suspect a pest infestation, you should contact us today. To learn more about Kinder Spray’s indoor and outdoor pest control, request your free estimate! Call (781) 724-2448, or contact us online.

Call Us Today! (781) 724-2448


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