Kinder Spray | FAQs

Are your products organic?

No, we don’t use 100% organic products because effective organic products just don’t exist yet. However, we use all-natural products that won’t harm people, pets, or beneficial insects (e.g., bees and butterflies) and are 85% effective against mosquitoes and 90% effective against ticks.

How do I pay my bill?

By check, card or cash. Invoices will be sent within 24 hours of the service.

How long does the service take?
Approximately 15-20 minutes, depending on the property size.
How long do we need to stay off the property?

We ask you to stay off for 20 minutes to let the products settle and dry, but you can enter the property immediately after the service without any adverse effects.

Are the products safe for kids/pets?

Yes, we use only all-natural products that are FIFRA 25B EPA exempt, meaning they are pesticides that pose little to no risk to human health or the environment.

How do we know that you treated the property?
We email the morning we plan to treat, and our crew leaves a door tag with the date and time.

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