If you’re interested in lyme disease prevention, Kinder Spray has solutions

As spring approaches, are you gearing up for the return of the ticks by researching tips for lyme disease prevention? Incidences of lyme disease are on the rise in the U.S., especially in New England. You may have noticed an increasing number of your friends or family members who have been infected with lyme disease, which can be transmitted to humans through the bite of blacklegged ticks carrying the infection. Rest easy: Kinder Spray offers all-natural pest control methods to protect your home, property, and loved ones from disease-carrying ticks and other pests this season! Read on to learn about lyme disease and the steps you can take to prevent it.

Tick-Borne Illnesses: Not Just About Lyme Disease Prevention

Lyme disease is not the only illness that can be caused by a tick bite. The Boston Globe writes,

Two illnesses – anaplasmosis and babesiosis – cause flu-like symptoms that can turn severe and, in rare cases, even fatal, particularly for the elderly or people with weakened immune systems… Last year, 842 confirmed and probable cases of anaplasmosis were reported to the state’s public health department, along with 518 confirmed and probable cases of babesiosis. Just a decade ago, those figures were 67 and 43, respectively.

The most common tick-borne illness, however, is lyme disease, which is expected to strike thousands of people across New England this season. Symptoms of lyme disease may include fever, headache, fatigue, and skin rash; without treatment, lyme can spread to joints, the heart, and nervous system. Lyme disease can be effectively treated with antibiotics, but if it is not detected early, symptoms can last for months and even years. According to the CDC, the most effective steps you can take for lyme disease prevention are:

  • Using insect repellent
  • Removing ticks promptly
  • Applying pesticides
  • Reducing tick habitat

Conventional Pest Control vs. Kinder Spray’s Natural Methods

The problem with conventional pesticides is that they contain harmful chemicals that can seep into waterways and can be dangerous for pets and children. That is why we use a kinder method: a cedar-oil-based spray that we use to treat your lawn, killing and repelling not only disease-carrying ticks, but mosquitoes, as well. We also identify areas where ticks and mosquitoes breed, including brush and leaf piles, wood piles, and standing water. We clear these areas and reorganize your wood pile to discourage breeding, and treat with cedar spray, for safe, natural, and effective lyme disease prevention this spring, summer and fall.

For strong protection – for example, around recreation areas, heavily wooded areas, or a neighboring property with a heavy infestation – we can apply a blend of eugenol (clove oil), wintergreen, corn cob, and thyme essential oils every 4-6 weeks to repel and eliminate crawling insects: mites, chiggers, earwigs, fleas, leafhoppers, millipedes, ants, pillbugs, and more. Unwanted creepy-crawlers are no match for our powerful, natural treatments. Best of all, our non-toxic methods pose no risk of harm to our valued honey bees, ladybugs, butterflies, aquatic life, pets or people!

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Sources for This Article:

It’s Tick Season: Here’s What You Need to Know – The Boston Globe
Lyme Disease on the Rise – National Science Foundation
Lyme Disease – Center for Disease Control

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