Is it worth considering an all-natural alternative to commercial pest control?

There is a lot more to think about with pest control than immediately meets the eye, both indoors and outdoors. Of course you want to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. If you have a pest problem, you wouldn’t be blamed for working with the first commercial pest control company that crosses your path. 

But should you?

Many commercial pest control companies use dangerous chemical methods. They might work, but it could come at a big cost.

To be clear, commercial pest control solutions are not the enemy here. The real problem is chemical pest control. Many companies use chemical methods, but not all of them, so there is no need to paint them all with a broad brush. 

Many people think of “chemical” when they say “commercial pest control.” For the purposes of this article we’ll be assuming they are the same, but remember to do your homework on any pest control company you use to understand their methods. 

Who is Kinder Spray?

The dangers 


Commercial pest control could be compromising your safety and that of your pets, your family, and more. 

While some of the dangers of commercial pest control are well-documented, there are others that deserve more attention. Some of the risks you could be introducing to your yard and home include:

  • Carcinogens that can cause cancer and exacerbate asthma problems
  • Heightened risk of developmental issues and reproductive disabilities
  • Lethal doses to essential pollinators
  • Immediate harm to household animals that come into contact with chemicals

Are these potential dangers worth the risk for the small convenience of using the first commercial pest control company you find?

The all-natural alternative avoids these risks and still eliminates your pest problems.

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Our Year-Round Services

The difference-maker in all-natural solutions


At Kinder Spray we use strictly natural solutions that make a world of difference in the health of your yard, home, and family. Cedar oil is one of the essential ingredients that is lethal to the pests you don’t want around and harmless to everything you love.

Cedar oil works by dehydrating the exoskeleton of your problem insects like mosquitoes. It also inhibits the brain function of ticks so that these two primary pests will either be killed or lose interest in your property.

BTI briquettes help to eliminate any larvae in still bodies of water. Getting rid of your ticks and mosquitoes is only so helpful if you don’t also eliminate future infestations from growing up and causing the same problems. 

These services are only a piece of our year-round services. We also offer winter services that include plowing and non-toxic snow melt that will keep your pets safe and prevent them from tracking dangerous chemicals into your home.

The needs of each home are different and we’re always happy to help.

Call today for your free consultation.


Source: Green Solutions

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

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