How we approach pest management to offer the best pest control for our clients

There is no single element that stands alone as the most effective pest control treatment. Without good processes in place, the best tools won’t make your pests go away. If you hear a company claim they have the best pest control because of some secret ingredient – especially if they don’t mention what it is – that is a sure-fire sign you should steer clear of that company.

When you hire pest control for your property, it’s a good idea to try to understand the company’s process. Most of all, you should be able to trust that their process is effective and that the chemicals they spray won’t be harmful to your loved ones or the environment. Because it’s the job of the pest control company to help turn your yard and home into a sanctuary for you and your family. 

Learn about Kinder Spray

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The processes and tools that make the best pest control

Tactics and tools work best when they are used in tandem. The following is a list of what Kinder Spray has been doing to remain at the top of Massachusetts’ pest control industry. Each of these pieces is integral to a pest-free yard and satisfied customers.


It may sound trite, but you have to know what you’re doing. Knowing the area you are working in and the problems that could arise is essential. Understanding how pests, like mosquitoes and ticks, operate gives a huge advantage when working to eliminate them.

The initial clean-up

The quality of an initial clean-up service separates the good pest control from the best pest control. An initial clean-up provides a clean slate before any sprays or treatments are applied. This cleanup gives the team a thorough understanding of the area as well as clues as to what pest control methods would be most effective.

Clearing brush, tall weeds, leaves, and organizing woodpiles are some small clean-up tasks that make a huge difference. These steps help reveal nesting grounds for pests and make them more vulnerable to upcoming treatments. An initial clean-up is especially helpful for special event treatments to make your event as pest-free as possible.

Learn more about our Initial Clean-up Service

Cedar oil

After appropriate cleanups, the tools are ready to do their jobs. Cedar oil affects pests in two ways. First, the oil behaves as a mental inhibitor to ticks, and then it dries out the insect’s exoskeletons. 

The initial clean-up is a powerful tool in the effectiveness of the cedar oil treatments. By exposing the places pests like to hide, they will not be able to avoid the cedar oil that exterminates them.

BTI briquettes

The next tool for the best pest control is BTI briquettes. Larvae love standing water. BTI briquettes eliminate these pools of water as breeding grounds for the pests in your yard. Implementation of the briquettes will eliminate larvae before they can ever grow into the adult pests that we are concerned with.

The right way is also the Kinder way

The cedar oil and BTI briquettes are important for effective summer treatments and three-season treatments, but neither of them is as effective without smart, knowledgable implementation. Anybody can get the chemicals and spray, but the best pest control gets the right tools and uses them the right way, without causing any extra harm to the ecosystem or the ones we love (including beneficial insects!). That’s why Kinder Spray’s non-toxic pest control is all-natural and safe for your family, pets and the environment.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Photo by Dimitar Stevcev on Unsplash

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